Help us

If you like our site and you feel like being a part of our team or just supporting us somehow, here are some ways to do it:

  1. Leave your comment!

    We very appreciate any comment we get from our readers. We’d like to know your opinion about our publications and we are glad to hear your ideas and suggestions.

  2. Report errors:

    Have found a mistake? Please, send us a message or leave a comment about it.

  3. Help translate:

    With a little help of yours we could make more completely translated publications. We could also make them more comprehensive and interesting. If you’d like to participate, send us a message.

  4. Tell about us to the world!

    As any public service we’d like to have more visitors. Tell about us to your friends or readers of your blog. Post your comment about us in your community, recommend us on Facebook or post to Twitter, click the «Share» button and choose any service you prefer to let people know about your favorite publications.

  5. Donate:

    We receive your kind donations over PayPal. Any amount is very appreciated.
    If you’d like to donate, but have any problem with PayPal, let us know please.

  6. Visit other sites:

    We’d really like to reduce the quantity of ads in our site, but since we decided to stay free for our readers, we still need some money to keep running the show. Visiting sites you see in ads is another good way of helping.

We work hard to be useful for you and we do love it. We want to keep on working and make our service better. And the best reward for our work is to know that you need us.

3 comments on “Help us

  1. Overwhelmed with your effort and Russian approach towards learning the language.
    As someone with limited resources online & otherwise, this is a great gift everyday.

    • Everyday Russian says:

      Hello Fahad,

      Thanks a lot for your comment and donation, much appreciated. Feel free to ask questions when you have any. Удачи! 🙂

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