Не за горами

With the series of Russian lessons «Russian phrases» you can learn useful Russian expressions and idioms, as well as practice your listening and reading skills with the audio and transcript. Today’s phrase is «не за горами».

The audio recording of this lesson is read at three different speeds: slow, adapted (slower than normal) and normal. We recommend to listen to the audio recording several times and to use the free online transcript reviewing the currently studied material.

Description (описание): не за гора́ми

Meaning (значение):

not far off, just round the corner (lit. – not over the mountains)

Related words and phrases (связанные слова и выражения):

– на носу́ (near at hand, just round the corner)
– (что-то) приближа́ется (smth is coming)

Examples (примеры):

  1. Но́вый год не за гора́ми, пора́ покупа́ть пода́рки!
    New Year is around the corner, it’s time to buy gifts!
  2. Есть основа́ния наде́яться, что измене́ния не за гора́ми.
    There are reasons to hope that changes are not far off.
  3. Выходны́е не за гора́ми, а это зна́чит, что сто́ит заду́маться о том, где же их провести́.
    Weekend is just around the corner which means that it is worth thinking about where to spend them.
Russian Pod 101

5 comments on “Не за горами

  1. I like this site. This is my 4th year studying Russian. I had a personal tutor for 2.5 years and am now in a small class with a native Russian speaker/teacher. I am always looking for tools online to boost my knowledge and vocabulary. I like the down to earth examples in here. Other sites have topical examples geared to one subject. So far the ones here are more like what I would use in everyday speech. My wife is from Ukraine and speaks Russian all the time so it is nice to be able to talk with her in her own language.

    • Everyday Russian says:

      Hello Paul,

      Thank you for the feedback, it means a lot for us to know that our efforts are helpful. Good luck! 🙂

  2. I was very excited to find a site that says you can listen to Russian spoken slowly, but I could never find where you actually go to hear it. Site takes you in circles where you keep clicking on the link called “slow-spoken Russian,” but it just takes you back to a paragraph saying that you can hear Russian spoken. Where do you actually hear it??? I clicked on lesson, but it was just written explanations, nothing spoken.

    • Everyday Russian says:

      Hi Siwatu,

      In this lesson, right above the examples there is an audio player. Every phrase is read at three different speeds, the first time is the slowest.

      Not all the lessons include slow-spoken examples, and when they do, we tell about it. In some lessons the audio player is fixed to the bottom of the page.

      Please feel free to ask if you have any other language.

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