
Everyone dreamed being a millionaire at least once. Do you think that’s really cool? Let’s find it out!

Today’s dictation is designed for intermediate Russian learners.

Dictations are designed to improve your listening and writing skills. The audio is recorded at three different speeds. Listen to it, try to recognize the text by ear and to write it down. You can check your work and analyze the mistakes with the transcript that’s hidden in the end of the lesson.

Download the audio file of this lesson

20% миллионе́ров никогда́ не учи́лись в университе́те, всего́ 6% име́ют сте́пень до́ктора нау́к, 8% – образова́ние юри́ста, ещё 6% – медици́нское образова́ние.

20% of millionaires never studied at a university, only 6% have a doctorate (PhD), 8% have a lawyers degree, and another 6% – medical education.

Бо́лее 35% миллионе́ров усе́рдно тру́дятся – приме́рно 45–55 часо́в в неде́лю.

More than 35% of millionaires work diligently – around 45-55 hours a week.

Одна́жды был проведён опро́с среди́ миллионе́ров, их спра́шивали как зарабо́тать свой пе́рвый миллио́н? Са́мый популя́рный отве́т своди́лся к одному́: «Всегда́ рабо́тайте! Всё должно́ быть под ва́шим по́лным контро́лем, не доверя́йте свои́х де́нег никому́.»

A survey was conducted once amongst millionaires, they were asked how to make one’s first million? The most popular response boiled down to one: “Always work! Everything should be under your absolute control, never trust anyone with your money.”

Russian Pod 101

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