Eating out – Paying for the meal

This is the last lesson of the series dedicated to eating out in Russian. Today we cover useful phrases that might come in handy when you want to pay for your meal in a Russian restaurant. Read the dialogue with the various conversation options and listen to the audio file to reinforce the result of the studies.

The first two lessons of the series can be found here:
Eating out – Arriving to a restaurant
Eating out – Ordering food

Официа́нт (Waiter):

– Вы уже́ зако́нчили? Э́то мо́жно убра́ть?
Have you finished? Can I take it away?

– Вам понра́вилось?
Did you like the food?

Посети́тель (Visitor):

– Да, спаси́бо, о́чень вку́сно.
Yes, thank you, very nice (tasty).

– Будьте до́бры ещё два бока́ла вина́, пожа́луйста.
Two more glasses of wine please.

– Принеси́те нам, пожа́луйста, ещё два пи́ва.
[Bring us] two more beers please.

Russian Pod 101

Официа́нт (Waiter):

– Хоти́те тако́го же вина́ и́ли попро́бовать что-нибу́дь друго́е?
Would you like the same wine of something else?

– То́чно тако́е же пи́во?
The same beer?

Посети́тель (Visitor):

– Тако́е же. И принеси́те счёт, пожа́луйста.
The same one. And the bill, please.

– Посчита́йте, пожа́луйста.
The bill (count) please.

– Счёт, будьте до́бры.
The bill, please (be so kind).

Официа́нт (Waiter):

– Вы бу́дете плати́ть ка́рточкой и́ли нали́чными?
Will you be paying with a card or by cash?

– Как бу́дете плати́ть?
How are you going to pay?

Посети́тель (Visitor):

– Ка́рточкой. Вы принима́ете Visa?
With a card. Do you accept Visa?

– Мы бу́дем плати́ть нали́чными.
We will pay in cash.

Официа́нт (Waiter):

– Вот ваш счёт. А э́то моро́женое – пода́рок от на́шего рестора́на.
Here is your bill. And this is a complimentary ice-cream from our restaurant.

Посети́тель (Visitor):

– Спаси́бо.
Thank you.

4 comments on “Eating out – Paying for the meal

  1. This is really a nice lesson which I have nevEr seen! It is exactly what I have been looking for. Not only this lesson, but all the three lessons At the restaurant.

    • Everyday Russian says:

      Hello Samuele.

      We not always had and have the resources to provide the translations for all the lessons, but since you asked, we added the translation for this one and for the second lesson from the series (the first one is already translated).

      Thank you for your comment. Happy studying 🙂

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